In the annals of Hollywood history, one name that stands out prominently is Army Archerd. A legendary entertainment journalist, Archerd made an indelible mark on the industry with his keen insights, unwavering dedication, and charismatic presence. While he carved his own path in the world of entertainment reporting, behind the scenes, he shared a significant chapter of his life with Selma Archerd, his wife.

Early Life and Career

Born on January 13, 1922, in the Bronx, New York, Army Archerd, whose birth name was Armand Archer, began his career in the entertainment industry as an actor. However, it was his transition to journalism that would define his legacy. Joining Variety in 1953 as a columnist, Archerd’s “Just for Variety” column became a staple read for industry insiders and enthusiasts alike. His unique ability to blend charm with incisive reporting earned him a reputation as one of the most respected voices in Hollywood.

Marriage to Selma Archerd

On June 27, 1969, Army Archerd married Selma Archerd, marking the beginning of a significant chapter in both their lives. Selma, whose previous marriage to Howard M. Rosenblum ended in divorce, found companionship and shared her life with the charismatic Army. The couple’s union brought together two individuals with distinct experiences, creating a partnership that would weather the challenges of the entertainment industry and beyond.

Life in the Spotlight

As the spouse of a prominent entertainment journalist, Selma Archerd found herself navigating the glamorous yet demanding world of Hollywood. Army’s work as a columnist provided them access to the inner workings of the industry, attending premieres, awards ceremonies, and exclusive events. Together, they became a fixture on the Hollywood social scene, their presence symbolizing a union between the journalistic realm and the glittering world of show business.

Philanthropy and Contributions

Beyond his journalistic endeavors, Army Archerd and Selma were known for their philanthropic efforts. The couple actively supported various charitable causes, contributing to the betterment of their community and leaving a positive impact on those in need. Their shared commitment to philanthropy reflected not only their personal values but also their desire to make a meaningful difference in the world.
